Tuesday, June 30, 2009

He Graduated!!

Kayden has been attending my Mom's Pre-School since Cassidy was born! Yes, that means that he has gone to preschool for 3 and 1/2 years! He has loved every minute of it, but is ready to move on to KINDERGARTEN!! I can't believe I am old enough to have a child in Kindergarten! Maybe one more year of Pre-School wouldn't be so bad! I think that he would kill me. The day after he graduated he thought that he was headed to Kindergarten! It may be a really long summer!

Memorial Day Part 2

My Grandma Bailey passed away two years ago this August, we love and miss her.
Beautiful Cassidy!

I don't mean to be disrespectful, but this was so funny! At one of the cemetaries we visited there were signs posted saying "Space Available" Kayden and Cassidy are saying "Pick me!!"

In loving memory..

I love memorial day, I love the opportunity it gives us to remember loved ones who have gone on before us, and the many men and women who have fought for our freedom.
Lucie Page
I love to take a picture of Carson and Kayden at Lucie's grave. She would be almost six years old and getting ready for Kindergarten. I often wonder what she would be like.

Nana and Grandad's Grave
I only knew them for a short time before they passed away, but will never forget the precious memories that I have of them.

Taking flowers to the graves to pay their respects.

Great Grandma B, Gavin and Kayden

Remembering Grandpa Ray, a True Hero

Maddie's First Look at Max

I guess babies can love dogs very young, Maddie LOVES looking at Max, whenever he come near her she gets the CUTEST smile on her face.
This is the very first time she ever saw Max, and loved him instantly! She has such a cute profile, especially when she saw her favorite furry friend!

Grandma B

Aunt Tonna, and Grandma B came to visit Grandma Roxie!
We loved that Tonna and Grandma matched!
We love Grandma B!! Look at that snazzy jacket! So her!!

Pre-Summer Fun!!

Goofy Kids playing in the Sprinker

It was really a little to cold to run through the sprinklers, but the sun was shining and all they wanted to do was run, I figure how could 10 minutes in the water hurt anyone?!
They had so much fun!!

Princess Rachael

Rachael and her date Dallin Stone

The first time Cassidy saw Rachael in her dress she thought she was "the most BEAUTIFUL princess in the world!" I must agree! So beautiful!

The End of an Era...

Many may or may not know of my family's love of Baseball, especially watching my "little" brother play. We have been all over watching him play, growing up I must admit it was not always my favorite past time, but I loved watching Pat. This year he graduated from
George Fox University and concluded his baseball career. I was lucky enough to go up with my Mom, Dad, Janelle , and my girls to watch his last games. It was bittersweet to see his baseball career come to an end, but I was so glad that I was able to see him do what he loved to do
one last time!! Love you Patty Cake!
Cassidy found the biggest potato bug I have ever seen on the GFU campus! She rightfully named him Big Joe. He provided two baseball games of fun, and was only lost a couple of times!

I love this picture of Pat and Cassidy!! So cute!

Our family after game four all dressed in our GFU gear! It was a great end to a great trip! Thanks Mom and Dad for letting us tag along!